Gold Award "First Aid Comics"

by Chloe Boss

I created “First Aid Comics” as my Girl Scout Gold Award project. “First Aid Comics” combines both of my passions, art and science. It was only natural for me to give back to my community by teaching first aid in a creative way.

From my experience, the education of health and first aid to kids is insufficient. An average middle school kid wouldn’t be able to help in a medical accident beyond calling 911. The goal of this project will empower children in my community to respond to common medical emergencies and potentially save lives.

Balancing the “First Aid Comics,” Gold Award project, academics and tennis team has made this school year challenging but extremely rewarding. During this project, I found that I love learning about first aid and lifesaving skills. Many hours of teaching have really improved my communication skills and confidence. Being able to use my creative skills to make the digital comic strips and design my website was really fun.